Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Final Exam


This is my transformative photo which changed the way I viewed photography because I understood that the way I took the photo made all the difference and it the quality of the photo does not depend only on the object. From far away these leaves looked drab and lifeless, but when I took a close-up they looked more alive and interesting due to the lighting making the leaves more animate and bright.

5. The shape is the outline of a object in 2d whereas form also accouts for the outline of the object but it also includes depth and feel of it.The shape of the piece of bark is clearly shown as the bark is flat against the ground. The leaves also show shape but also depth making the photo an example of form. Examples are shown in my blog in the links below. 

6. A pattern may include objects that are similar but may have characteristics that are different. Repetition is showing the exact same object over and over again with now variety in the objects. For repetition I used benches that looked exactly the same and were lined up. I then took a picture of the repetition of the same design and color of benches. For pattern I used an artwork I made with the same design but with different colors and arranged them in a pattern. Examples from my blog are shown below. 

8. Last Three Projects

My best project was the Commercial where my group and I took pictures that would probably appear in pantene ads. This project changed my attitude towards pictures taken for ads because I learned it took a lot of time and effort to create such images. I used to believe taking the pictures was easy and then it could be photo-shopped in a few minutes but in a video I watched which showed the making of car ads showed the hard work the cameraman, model, and photo editor. I learned to appreciate the effort behind the making of ads and now whenever I see one I understand the hard work that is behind the picture in the ad.

Friday, May 29, 2015

Student Website Review

Period 1
Their photo uses simplification as part of the composition because it centers the baby and stuffed animal in the center and leaving the background as a simple white sheet.

Period 2
This photo uses the rule of thirds and places the candles along the lines drawing my eye along the arrangement of candles against a perfect black background.

Period 3
This photo is filled with different types of candy with a striped paper bag in the background to pull it together.

Period 4
This photo has a neat arrangement of nail-polishes but is still colorful and interesting to look at.

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Final Project

Doing flowers in different arrangements and/or different types

Inspiration from Celia Henderson

1. White flowers
2. Purple flowers
3. Flower positioned in rule of thirds
4. Symmetry of Flowers
5. Flowers that are balanced

rules of composition

Balancing Elements

Symmetry and Patterns

Rule of Thirds

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Phototgraphy Project Outline



Cottage Cheese with peas

Shredded Cheese on Ritz crackers


Friday, May 8, 2015

First Commercial Shoot Pantene

Photographer Shriva Patel

Photographer Shriva Patel

Photographer Preeti Mal

Photographer Preeti Mal
Photographer Shriva Patel

Friday, May 1, 2015

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Principles of Design-Repetion

This is a photo of the exact same benches repeating themselves.

PRinciple of Design-Pattern

These Peace Signs show a pattern of different colors but retaining the same style.

Principle of Design-Movement

The students are playing on the softball field during gym.

Principles of Design-Emphasis

Principles of Design-Balance

The orange and pear on each side of the blue bottle balances this photograph.

Elements of Art-Texture

This photo shows texture of the fallen pinecone

Elements of Art-Color

This photo shows the colors on the leaves that is brought out by the sun.

Elements of Art-Space

This photo shows the space between these trees in the msjhs garden.

Elements of Art-Form

These texturized leaves show a three dimensional feel

Elements of Art-Shape

This photo shows shape because the bark is uniquely carved through time and natural processes.

Tuesday Photoshoot


Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Photo Story MCW


Students are walking through the horseshoe. Some have already bought food while most are looking for prices to go down before they buy food. 

Msjhs student is serving chicken and teriyaki

Msjhs student is arranging Japanese snacks in a flat bowl

Students have created attractive posters to attract customers

Students giving out free samples to get more customers

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Story of a Photo

 This is a photo I took of the Japanese club booth during multicultural week.  They were selling many types of delicacies such as chicken tereyaki. beef and ginger, as well as vegetarian options. A msjhs student was giving a bowl of chicken tereyaki to another student who was extremely happy with his purchase as she found it healthy and tasty. Another msjhs student was looking at the selection of food but was undecided because he found the prices to be too high. The girl in the back was tasting the beef and ginger and found it delicious.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Multicultural Week Story

During multicultural week 2015 many clubs have worked very hard to bring a variety of foods for the students to enjoy. They have brought many types of food that represented the many countries in the world. Students who sold foods in high demand worked hard to meet the demand of the many students lined up to buy them. Some popular food items were Chipotle and milk tea. Students showed their entrepreneurship and marketing skills as they made sure their food got sold as well as gather enough money for their club to thrive. They also promoted their food by posting advertisements on social media. Students had worked hard to arrange for this food to be brought since some of the restaurants were quite far away from the Mission campus.This was a fun week for Mission students to indulge in their senses of taste and a bit of smell and sight but also to help them build skills for the real world.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Lens Blog Photo

I chose photo #2 from Pictures of the Day: Nigeria and Elsewhere

1. The shutter speed should be fast because there is a lot of movement in the photo because the photo shows a motorcycle accident.

2. This photo uses the rule of thirds because the subject of the photo is among the lines of the grid.

3. This photo uses color as the element of art because the scene has many bright colors as well as the subject.

4. Movement is the principle of design in this photo because there is movement of people because of the motorcycle.

My partner was Henry

Tuesday with Farley's Kids

1/250 shutter speed

Friday, March 27, 2015

Lens Blog Variety

We picked number 6 in this slideshow on lens Documenting the Blues in the Mississippi Delta.We picked this photo because it shows variety of objects during a goat barbecue. There are a variety of items from buckets to boxes. This picture uses the variety of objects from the community that lives in the Delta to show the poverty level there.

Monday, March 23, 2015

Gordon Parks Part 3 and 4

  1. My definition of successful is being able to achieve what you always wanted to achieve. I want have a 100k job before i turn 25.
  2. I have given up my free time and a bit of sleep to be successful.
  3. Gordon gave up the comfort of being in his comfort zone in a racially segregeated America.
  4. Young's father was a rich business man.
  5. Parks was advanced $10,000 for the first seven pages.
  6. He was offered $50,000.
  7. He refused the offer because he could not support a religion he did not believe in.
  8. The Learning Tree was significant because it was the first Hollywood movie directed by an African American.
  9. Shaft was confident and a protagonist and made many African American children look up to him.
  10. Camera and roll film was his choice of weapons.
  11. Her reason for divorce was that she was sick of Park staying away from home and not giving their relationship enough time.
  12. 12 years a slave told the same story.
  13. He was Gordon's son and he died in a plane crash.
  14. My favorite photo was the sweeper against the flag.
  15. I will remember he was the first African American director.

Monday, March 2, 2015

Half Past Autumn - Gordon Parks pt 1 questions

1. He was born on November 30, 1912 and the doctor saved his life by bathing him in ice water.
2. He was born in Kansas.
3.His class adviser advised him to not take college prep classes and said that very few African Americans went to college at the time.
4.Gordon was 15.

5.He graduated from Princeton later in his life.
6. He began his fashion career by photographic models in formal dresses.

Friday, February 27, 2015

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Favorite from Look From Behind With Feeling

Our group chose the first photo because we liked the use of color, scenery, and placement. This photo uses the rule of thirds. It utilizes the circus tent and benches laying around and incorporates those items into the picture making it interesting. It uses dulled out colors to match the evening skies. They boy's outfit however stands out because it is colorful.The photographer worked hard to catch a scene of the boy practicing walking on the rope.

Friday, February 20, 2015

Poster Reflection

1. Our poster was better than our one direction one because we made it more professional.

2. We used Photoshop to make it.

3. Our poster was plain but very straightforward and showed the details of the event clearly.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Period 3- Semester Final

Period 3- Semester Final

1, My favorite photo from the Lens Slideshow is the fifth one because I like the way the photographer captured the waves that surrounded the lighthouse, the sky was dark leaving the focus on the waves and lighthouse, and the moss on the cliff gave it an interesting and unique feeling.

2. The best photo is the fourth one because it took a lot of communication skills and reputation for the photographer to enter the area where the President's flight took off, the hat flying off was taken at the right time to show the hat flying in midair, and in the process of taking the shot the photographer did not forget to take a picture of the plane which shows that the hat flew off because of the plane's exhaust.

3. My best work this semester is the Masters of Photography project because I had to use my communication skills to get my brother to be photographed. I also had to use my creativity to recreate something from the past using materials that were available in the present to me. So I decided to take pictures of my brother practicing karate to show movement in many serial pictures like  Edward Muybridge did. This was also my best work because I learned to pick out the set of pictures that were the best since I took multiple sets of my brother practicing. If I had more time I would try to pick out a more interesting background such as his karate studio and have another photo shoot when my brother was more relaxed.

4.My three rules of composition are rule of thirds, depth of field, and plain, unobtrusive background.


Green Thorn

1. Plain, unobtrusive background
2. Rule of Thirds

6. Your first rule is the rule of thirds.

7. The benefits of working in a group include having someone to help you take a picture, provide feedback on your work, answer questions, get inspirations from, and gain communication skills.

8. The difficulties of working in a group are deciding one on best or favorite photo, depending on someone else for helping you complete your work, deciding on a time to go out to shoot that everyone is comfortable with, getting distracted from your work, and getting peer pressured into working on something you don't like.

9. My favorite work was produced by Mansi Chopra in her Master of Photography project because of the hard work that went into taking photos of her subjects in a natural state.

A little history

10. I studied Edward Muybridge and he too pictures of objects in motion and contributed by making the first racing horse movie by using a set of photographs he too at a horse race.

11. Dorothea Lange's most famous work is the ''Migrant Mother'' in Nipomo,California in 1936. Dorothea was hired by the Resettlement Administration.

12.. John Ames Mitchell and Andrew Miller was the creator of Life Magazine in 1883 when it was first published.

13. Robert Capa was a founding member of the Magnum Photos in 1947.

14 ''Falling Soldier'' was taken on September 5, 1936 at Cerro Muriano.

Monday, January 5, 2015

Masters of Photography Project Reflection

1. My project represents my work because the photos I took represents the skills I learned to take such photos. They also reflect my research behind the photographer Edward Muybridge.

2. My understanding of photography has become more versatile as in instead of capturing only aesthetically pleasing objects I also try to capture objects that show use of depth of field and emotion.

3. Working in a group helps me find answers to small questions and feedback on my project.

4. Some disadvantages of working in a group include letting some of your opinions be override by the majority of the group.

5. I would have used more examples and more pictures of my brother practicing for a more action filled slideshow of pictures.

6. I would also like to include that I think blogging posts helped me a lot in learning more about photography techniques.